What information do I need to report abuse to OPG?

The more information you provide to us, the better. At the very least we need to know the adult’s name and address but any other information such as what decision-making arrangements are in place, the names of other people or service providers involved with the adult, or relevant financial arrangements will help progress an investigation.

However, if you don’t have this information, don’t be deterred from reporting suspected abuse. The important thing is that you can tell us what concerns you and give us any information you have that neglect, abuse or exploitation is happening.

We also need you to tell us why you believe the adult doesn’t have decision-making capacity. We don’t require medical records or a specific diagnosis but we do need sufficient information which reasonably suggests the adult has impaired decision-making capacity for the matter(s) in question.

It may also be helpful to talk to people close to the adult to see if they can provide any additional information or can confirm observing the adult's abuse, neglect or exploitation.