Make a complaint about OPG
Making a complaint or give feedback about the Office of the Public Guardian
A complaint is when you are affected by our services, and you don’t like what we have or haven't done, or how you have been treated by us and you’d like to tell us about it.
We take complaints seriously and view them as an opportunity to improve the delivery of our services. We want you to tell us, so we can fix any issues quickly.
Making a complaint to us does not negatively affect the services that we provide to you. We will listen and work with you.
Feedback is when you want to tell us how good or useful our services have been, or how we can improve. If you want to give feedback, you can use our contact page.
All complaints are managed under our complaints policy, which our staff understand and follow.
How to make a complaint
![]() | Use our Online Complaints form |
![]() | Send us an email at
Call us on 1300 653 187 | |
![]() | Write to us at Office of the Public Guardian Complaints team PO Box 13554 George Street Brisbane QLD 4003
We will help you get assistance to make a complaint if needed, such as connecting you to support or language services.
Do you need an Interpreter?
If you need an interpreter to assist you, call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) on 131 450 and ask to be transferred to us on 1300 653 187.
You can also lodge an anonymous complaint, but it may be difficult for us to look into your complaint and provide you with a response.
What happens now you’ve made a complaint?
When we receive a complaint, we:
- acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days
- assess your complaint
- may contact you if we need more information
- let you know when you can expect a response
- let you know if there is a delay.
How long will it take to get an answer?
We will try to provide an outcome as quickly as possible. Most complaints are responded to within 30 business days. If the complaint includes multiple issues and is complex in nature a more detailed investigation may be required. If this timeframe will not be met, you will be notified and advised on the progress and provided an amended timeframe for a response.
If your complaint relates to Privacy or Human Rights a response will take up to 45 business days.
You can ask for a review of the outcome
Internal review
If the process or outcome does not seem reasonable, you can request an internal review within 20 business days. We will let you know within 10 business days if the internal review will go ahead.
A senior staff member who was not involved in the original decision will look into your complaint to make sure the answer we gave was fair, reasonable and correct. This may take up to 20 business days.
External review
If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of internal review you can complain to the Queensland Ombudsman. The Ombudsman may investigate complaints about Queensland public agencies and their staff whose actions and decisions may be unfair, unlawful, unreasonable, discriminatory and wrong.
For further information go to or call 1800 068 908.
You can complain to the Queensland Human Rights Commission if you have raised a human rights complaint to OPG and we have not responded within 45 business days, or you are dissatisfied with the response.
For further information go to or call 1300 130 670.
If your complaint relates to the appointment of a guardian you can make an application to the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) seeking the Tribunal’s advice, directions or recommendation to OPG or a review of our appointment as guardian.
For further information go to or call 1300 753 228.
Information on complaints received about the Office of the Public Guardian
Our complaints report from 2023–24 can be located here. Information about complaints received are reported in compliance with section 219A of the Public Service Act 2008.