Objectives of the MHA
For mental health enquiries, please email MHA@publicguardian.qld.gov.au.
The Mental Health Act 2016 (MHA) commenced operation on 5 March 2017.
The main objectives of the MHA are:
- To improve and maintain the health and wellbeing of individuals who have a mental illness and do not have the capacity to consent to treatment
- To enable individuals to be diverted from the criminal justice system if they are found to have been of unsound mind at the time of committing a crime or to be unfit for trial
- To protect the community if persons diverted from the criminal justice system may be at risk of harming others.
The main objectives are to be achieved in a way that:
(a) safeguards the rights of individuals
(b) is the least restrictive of the rights and liberties of a person who has a mental illness, and
(c) promotes the recovery of a person who has a mental illness, and the person’s ability to live in the community, without the need for involuntary treatment and care.