Other resources
There are other organisations that may be able to help if you need more information.
- Community Legal Centres are state-wide services which provide free information, legal assistance, community education and advocacy for vulnerable clients and communities experiencing legal problems. Use the online directory to find a service near you.
- Legal Aid Queensland offers help with legal problems. Phone 1300 65 11 88 or find a Legal Aid office in your area.
- The Queensland Law Society can help you find a member solicitor or law firm. Phone 1300 367 757 or visit their website and search 'Find a solicitor'.
- ADA Australia is an independent organisation that offers advocacy and education services about aged care, disability, and supported decision making. Phone 1800 818 338 or visit their website.
- The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service is a community-based organisation which provides professional and culturally competent legal services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people across Queensland. Phone 1800 012 255 or visit their website.
- The Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) can determine who is most suitable to make decisions for adults with impaired capacity, including financial decisions (administration) and personal and health decisions (guardianship). QCAT works in situations where a person’s capacity has been questioned and where an attorney may have exploited someone using an Enduring Power of Attorney. Phone 1300 753 228 or visit their website.
- The Public Trustee of Queensland provides a service for creating wills and Enduring Powers of Attorney. Phone 1300 3600 044 or visit their website.
- The Seniors Legal and Support Service provides free legal and social work support for older persons with decision-making capacity, who may be experiencing elder abuse, mistreatment, neglect or financial exploitation. Visit their website for more information.
- The Seniors Enquiry Line is a phone information and referral service for Queensland seniors, families, friends, grandparents and carers. Phone 1300 135 500.
- Care at the end of life is a series of informative pages and short videos for people who want to understand what care is available for someone as they approach the end of their life. In a non-threatening way, it explains the process of advance care planning, what is meant by palliative care and what to expect from health care. It outlines how we can plan ahead for our own future health needs or support someone we care about as they approach the end of their life. There is also information for health professionals.
You Decide Who Decides is a national guide providing information for people considering choosing someone to be their attorney for financial decisions. It may help you decide if making an enduring power for financial decisions is right for you. It also outlines some key questions, safeguards and considerations when completing the documents. Being a national publication, the concepts broadly apply although it does not specifically refer to Queensland law or state forms and processes.