How to access information

Information about the Office of the Public Guardian’s services and business operations may be accessed through the following avenues:

  • Publication scheme - categorised information that is routinely published by the Office of the Public Guardian.
  • Disclosure log - a list of non-personal information that is considered to be of significant interest to the wider public that has been released in response to Right to Information access requests.
  • Administrative Access Scheme - an easier and quicker process than the formal Right to Information or Information Privacy application process.

If you can't find the information you are looking for, contact the Right to Information and Information Privacy Manager who will determine if the information can be released through our Administrative Access Scheme or if you will need to make a formal request.

Right to Information and Information Privacy Contact

Right to Information and Information Privacy Manager
Office of the Public Guardian
PO Box 13554
George Street, Brisbane QLD 4003

Call: 1300 653 187
Fax: 07 3738 9496