Publication Scheme
Our publication scheme describes and categorises the information routinely available from the Office of the Public Guardian. It has been developed to give the community greater access to information held by government.
Information listed in our publication scheme is available free of charge from our website. You will be advised in advance of any charges that may be payable if your request is for a large volume of material.
Information is grouped and accessible through seven classes:
- About us: Who we are, what we do
- Our services: We provide numerous services to the Queensland community.
- Our finances: Financial information including annual report financial statements, tendering and procurement.
- Our priorities: Our strategy and performance information, including annual reports, plans, assessments, inspections and reviews.
- Our decisions: We operate within a corporate governance framework. This emphasises ethics, openness and public accountability. It is the basis for our overall purpose and sets our objectives. It also guides us in managing our information and resources.
- Our policies: We have a large number of rules, policies and guidelines that govern the way we work.
- Our lists: We keep a number of public registers. Some we have to keep by law while others relate to how we work or the laws that we administer.
Some documents are currently only available as PDF. If you have difficulty accessing this information please contact us and we will endeavour to meet any reasonable request for an alternate version of the document without charge.
You have the right to complain if information in our publication scheme is not available. If you wish to complain about the availability of information under our publication scheme you can lodge a written complaint by email or post. We will manage complaints in accordance with the Client complaint management policy.
Any personal information you provide when making a complaint, including email addresses, will be collected for addressing your complaint about the publication scheme. This is in accordance with the Ministerial Guidelines under the Right to Information Act 2009. We may refer your complaint to the appropriate business units or region for response.
Please also note you can make an anonymous complaint under our Client complaint management policy.
Right to Information and Information Privacy Manager
Office of the Public Guardian
PO Box 13554
George Street, QLD 4003
Call: 1300 653 187
Fax: 07 3738 9496